Friday, May 31, 2013

Hated It.

I just wrote a ridiculously long post, then realized it was me continuing to rehash friendships that didn't work out. I keep writing out what my points are, or why I feel in the right. It's a constant guard I want to put up and share. I hate that I still feel that way at times, or enough to want to write a blog post about it.

I'm at an odd point for me. I've never had people blatantly not want to be my friend, or be on friendly terms. It's weird accepting it. I don't mean that because I expect everyone to like me, but I perhaps it's more of a feeling of it all seeming so unfair.

Wait, life isn't fair. Real world, meet Lindsey. Lindsey, meet the real world.

So not to waste a blog post, here are random things I hate:
small kids
Seth Rogen
Diet Coke
blatant meanness

This blog post has been brought to you by my lack of sleep.

Monday, May 6, 2013


This is what friendship looks like. 15 years later, we all could come together, support a friend, and make new memories. I am amazingly lucky to be a part of something like this, lucky to have people that I know I can always return to a friendship with, and really just be myself. There were hugs, tears, and a lot of laughter. I'm so happy to say I could be a part of a great benefit to raise some money for a really great woman. Her story is here, if you're so inclined.

It was a great trip into the past, and now it's time to make the future.

Photo credit: Michael Watson